Ask them. Margie Warrell does a great job defining a strategic path towards improving employee engagement.
Engage — Connect Authentically
Inspire — Enlarge the Context
Embolden – Cultivate a ‘Culture of Courage’
A missing tactical element we are often asked to provide is “how to do it.” If you are looking for tactical leadership/manager development program and/or employee engagement strategies and activities -- consider an integrated employee engagement survey program as the foundation of a process to unleash what Margie has defined.
It is important however to understand the difference between simply conducting an employee engagement survey and generating data vs. a survey that includes a human resources strategy that integrates manager training, quarterly engagement check-ins, daily job tools, and proven recommended action items. In the end, if the survey is not tied to your financial metrics, you won’t know if what you are doing is working.
When the “what to do” and "how to do it" elements are combined in an integrated employee engagement survey program – employee engagement improves and the outcome is improved business performance.
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